Season 2: Episode 26: The Ministry of Architecture

E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: In full support of female entrepreneurs, I had the pleasure of recording with Rachel Preston Prinz. Her unique journey in architecture to where she finds herself now is something that I’m thankful I had the privilege to hear. From learning that she would go blind to her dedication to the preservation of cultural heritage in her community. Rachel brings joy, passion, and gratitude. I hope you enjoy her story and check out the cool things she’s up to, including the documentary she made. All links in the show notes! ~ Enjoy!



Founding Director, Archinia + Architecture for EveryBody

505-204-8177 | |


Founder and Director of Archinia and the non-profit Architecture for Everybody, Rachel Preston Prinz has spent 25 years studying and celebrating the craft of architecture and the Genius Loci - the Spirit of Place - in design, placemaking, and cultural and historic preservation. Rachel has served as a preservation commissioner in Taos, the host of the UNM-Taos Sustainability Institute, co-host of TEDxABQWomen, and you might have seen one of her numerous TEDx and Pecha Kucha talks.

Rachel’s work has been featured on HGTV, Bravo, NMPBS, and Canadian PBS; in Reader’s Digest, Trend, THE, Fine Art Connisseur, and Inc. magazines. She’s been featured in numerous articles, talks, podcasts, interviews and books on design, leadership, and finding courage in difficult circumstances.

Rachel is an expert people connector and "sparkplug" who brings a new and exciting energy to everything she does.

And she's going blind with macular degeneration.

Facebook:  The Ministry of Architecture

Instagram:  @ArchiniaDesign


The Acoma Documentary

The Acoma Architecture Curriculum that goes with it