Season 2: Episode 25: The Conscious Builder

E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I often talk about building science & architecture, but this week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Canadian builder Casey Grey. He created The Conscious Builder which is so much more than a building company. As we continue to push the industry forward, our self awareness is critical. Hearing Casey talk about living a conscious life, building a better way, and raising everyones awareness was fascinating. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


The Business Casual Yogi, Vish Chatterji

Casey is the founder of the award-winning sustainable building company, The Conscious Builder, Co-founder of YOUNION Meditation & Wellness Studio, the host of The Conscious Builder Podcast and The Conscious Builder Show on YouTube and the former Co-host of The Conscious Living Podcast. He has written almost 400 blog posts on topics such as marketing, branding, entrepreneurship, personal development, sustainability and more.

​Casey brings almost two decades of experience to the construction industry and over a decade of experience to running, owning and growing multiple businesses while also staying committed to his wife and son. Casey is on a mission to help people build homes, businesses and lives in a more conscious manner and is co-authoring a book with Kevin Harrington, the original shark from the hit TV show Shark Tank.


When Casey started his first business and construction company, it was just like every other company. He just wanted to do good work and make a good living. It was not until he and his wife, Natasha, attended their first Tony Robbins event in 2012 that his mindset shifted and he started to ask himself "Why?" 

Then, when he and Natasha found out they were having a child, everything clicked. If he was going to tell this child that he could do anything he wanted and become whoever he wanted, he would have to lead by example. He wanted his son to be proud of him and look up to him. He wanted to be the hero in his son's eyes.

That's when The Conscious Builder was born.