E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: Mercury is in retrograde, this whole week has been upside down. But I got to talk with Kyle Macht who is an outstanding designer working for an architecture practice that was doing building science way before it was cool. We both went to Penn State, although we weren’t in the architecture department at the same time. We only touch on it briefly during the podcast, but we chatted afterwards about our time there and the fond memories. Kyle has been a big supporter of The BS + Beer show and sharing his building science knowledge. You can also catch him on the Modern Craftsman or reach out to him via his contact information in the show notes. Enjoy, I know I did!
Season 2: Episode 22: Sharing Stories with Black Designer Trayvone Mathis
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: Today I had the opportunity to talk to Ohio based designer Trayvone Maurice. Trayvone and I discuss everything from changing our communities through architecture to the Black Lives Matter movement. It was an opportunity to share the story of a successful black business owner, but also to hear the story of his life and educate myself and anyone listening on humanizing the things we don’t understand.
Season 2: Episode 21: Breaking Down Building Science: PGH
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I’m trying something new this week. With all the amazing content out there right now and in respect of your time, i thought i would start throwing 15 minute segments in periodically on building science topics. Since PGH is a hot topic right now, i wanted to start there. I could spend hours talking about PGH - but maybe what we need is some building science shorts. So to kick it off this week I started with PGH because maybe the first question is Why? Why should we be building better more durable, more efficient, and healthier homes. And if you’re new to building science, there is no better place to start than The Pretty (damn) Good House.
Season 2: Episode 20: Hauling Ass Towards Catastrophe
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: This is a long one this week. And I apologize for the delay in getting it to you, but I hope you think it’s worth the wait. I have so much respect for Reggie and John and what they are doing as a company and for this industry. This week’s podcast is about policy and education and just thinking building science is cool so other people will think it cool too. I could talk to the two of them all day. This is a little bit of a glimpse of what it would be like if you were sitting at a dinner table with us while we discuss our favorite subject: Climate Change.
Season 2: Episode 19: Building Durability & Architecture Part 2
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: If you’re a professional in the building industry of any kind and you aren’t following Christine Williamson on Instagram - you’re missing out on a great education - and an equally awesome person. @buildingsciencefightclub I had so much fun talking with Christine about buildings, failures, durability, architecture & architects and our own personal projects that I had to cut it into 2 sessions. So here is part two where we dive a little bit deeper into some of the statistics we use when measuring the number of women in the profession, and how that data may not be giving us the answers we really want. We share some books and resources we love. And just when you think we’re done talking, there’s a smidgeon more! I like to talk, sometimes too much, but i’ve thoroughly enjoyed the laid back chats with podcast guests over the last two seasons. I hope it’s clear that I have just as many questions as I have answers - and it’s ALWAYS okay to ask questions! Big thanks again to Christine for sharing her expertise, but also for just sharing a little bit of what makes her the awesome person she is! Until next time - Stay Nerdy!
Season 2: Episode 18: Building Durability & Architecture Part 1
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: If you’re a professional in the building industry of any kind and you aren’t following Christine Williamson on Instagram - you’re missing out on a great education - and an equally awesome person. @buildingsciencefightclub I had so much fun talking with Christine about buildings, failures, durability, architecture & architects and our own personal projects that I had to cut it into 2 sessions. So enjoy part 1 this week and tune back in for part 2 next week.
Season 2: Episode 17: Does Cellulose Work In My Climate Zone?
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: It’s become a bit of a joke, only it’s not really. When I am thinking through a project and I have a questions, I ask #buildingsciencemike. So, if you haven’t had enough of us yet, tune in this week as our concerned co-host Travis gets to ask the hard hitting questions about cellulose in a wall system specific to his location - Climate Zone 4 - Kansas City. He brings up a lot of great questions, everything from recycling wall insulation, planning for failure, and moisture laden walls. There are some other great nuggets in this episode, because as you already know, when you get a couple of building science enthusiasts together, we can get derailed and in the weeds. So Cheers to some more BS
Season 2: Episode 16: BS with Ben Bogie
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: You guys know him as the man with the epic beard, the building science champion, but he’s just an all around great guy! It’s always a pleasure to talk with Ben. I’ve been meaning to have him on for weeks. You may have caught him on The BS and Beer Show or doing a webinar on double stud walls over at Fine Homebuilding. But this was just a chance to sit down with another building science enthusiast and talk shop! Enjoy - links to BS & Beer Show and FHB Expert sessions in the show notes!
Season 2: Episode 15: Be A Little More Thoughtful
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of chatting with Mike at Dream Home Building and Design, @dreamhomebend about Aerobarrier. I happened to mention I didn’t know much about it and he willingly came on to talk about his experience. But Mike is also a design/builder. So after joining us for a BS+Beer Show event recently, he reached out to talk more about building and building science. It’s awesome to have great conversations with like minded individuals! Thanks Mike for talking with me for awhile. I hope you all enjoy our chat.
Season 2: Episode 14 - BS* in Rural Oregon
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: It’s small world when someone living on the west coast, grew up in Maine, and is married to someone who grew up where I did in PA. In this era of connection, i’m loving the dialog. Darrell Brann, born and raised in Maine, moved to a pristine part of Oregon where he continues to practice small town resiliency including building science, helping your neighbor, buy local, and being a part of a thriving community.
Season 2: Episode 13 - Aerobarrier On The East Coast
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: This week I’m joined by Jake Littman with Seal Tight Energy Solutions in Rhode Island. After hearing Mike on the podcast talking about Aerobarrier and me mentioning that I didn’t know anyone in New England doing this technology, I got a message from Jake! So excited to have him on the podcast to talk more about this technology and share his experience with installing Aerobarrier in our climate.
Season 2: Episode 11-A: High School Trade Program Builds Pretty Good House (Copy)
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I had the opportunity to talk to Matt Blomquist out in Taylorville Illinois this week. And this is a long episode, so it’s good that hopefully you are home with some time to listen, or on a job site by yourself because it was a pleasure talking with him and hearing his enthusiasm and passion for teaching his students how to build a better house and how to get excited about the trades! This is oh so important right now, Enjoy!
Season 2: Episode 12: Are You Breathing Possum? with Allison Bailes
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I’ve been following Allison for years, I truly thought he already wrote several books, but 900 articles between GBA & Energy Vanguard - that’s several books right there. But now - He’s really writing a book - and I can’t wait for it to come out! So to help him with his campaign pre-orders for the book I decided it would be really awesome to have him on the podcast. And although he’s a superstar in the building science field, he said yes to being on. Indoor Air Quality is a big discussion right now as everyone is working or stuck at home and extremely concerned about their health. So a big shout out to Allison for coming on the podcast and talking about a subject that too many of us don’t know enough about. And if you missed The BS+Beer Show last night on IAQ - check that out on our YouTube Channel
Season 2: Episode 11-B: Female Student in High School Trade Program Builds Pretty Good House (Copy)
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I had the opportunity to talk to Matt Blomquist out in Taylorville Illinois this week. During our discussion he talked highly of all of his students. But he really caught my attention when he said he had one female student in his class and that she was a rockstar. That immediately got my attention and I asked him if it would be okay to record a podcast with her as well. She’s sharp, she’s funny, she’s fearless and we all have a lot to learn from her!
Season 2: Episode 10: A BS Discussion with Randy - Northern Built Pro
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: This week the podcast hits close to home as fellow guest Randy does a lot of energy consulting. The last time the economy tanked, it was considered “gainfully unemployed” to be an architect. So I spent years training and educating myself on building science and doing a little bit of design. Now, i’m a building science junky and I’m doing a lot more design and very little energy auditing. It’s almost a treat when I get to throw my blower door in my truck and take it to a jobsite. Randy is in Minnesota doing energy auditing and building. It was a pleasure to have him on talking about their very cold zone 7 climate and things that he sees on the regular in their areas. PS. I apologize in advance for the couple barks you here. I tried to edit out my fur kid everywhere that I could. He’s getting old, he doesn’t understand being quiet during recordings. Today’s podcast is well worth the listen! Thanks for tuning in.
Season 2: AeroBarrier
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Mike Ardeljan from Dream Home Building & Design LLC in Oregon this week. He is a high performance home builder and an AeroBarrier technician/supplier. Because his background is in high performance building, I thought this would be the best way to learn more about this new technology and I was not disappointed! Send your comments and questions, I'm happy to have Mike on again - or reach out directly to him - contact info in the show notes!
Season 2: Episode 8: Building in Long Island
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: Moving on a little bit from Climate, but still talking building science with with individuals outside of the state of Maine. Today I had the opportunity to chat with Jack Rosebery, a fellow architect, who practices in Long Island New York. I was very excited to hear what he had to say about working for Habitat for Humanity in his area. One thing I took away though, was that 90% of Long Island is built out - so where do they go next? Tune in to hear what he had to say about building in Climate Zone 4A with some unique attributes to Long Island.
Season 2: Episode 7: Climate - Florida's Climate with Betty Reyes
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: We are very excited to be starting off February talking about Climate. What could be better - it’s the worst weather month in all of Maine - but it’s a reminder - if we do nothing - Maine will have Virginia’s climate in 2050. What will it be like to have warm waters and no snow? How will that affect our eco-systems? This week I had the pleasure of talking with another architect, Betty Reyes, who practices in Florida. Maybe it’s this cold weather, or the fact that people are flocking to Florida in droves, but Florida’s climate is fascinating to me. It’s so completely different then Maine. They have so much moisture, cooling not heating, hurricanes, and a significantly higher water table. It was a pleasure talking to Betty I learned so much about her climate zone and their approach to building better in Florida.
Season 2: Episode 6: Climate - Zone 3-8 Colorado with Lance Cayko
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: We are very excited to be starting off February talking about Climate. What could be better - it’s the worst weather month in all of Maine - but it’s a reminder - if we do nothing - Maine will have Virginia’s climate in 2050. What will it be like to have warm waters and no snow? How will that affect our eco-systems? This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Lance Cayko of F9 Productions in Colorado. It’s amazing how parts of their state touch Texas and parts are 8000 feet above sea level. While we are trying to convince people to build super insulated building structures, the are wrestling with 300 days of sunshine and the deterioration of materials + lack of water. Fascinating to hear how other people deal with their specific climate zones! Enjoy
Season 2: Episode 5: Climate - Zone 5 with Travis Brungardt
E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: We are very excited to be starting off February talking about Climate. What could be better - it’s the worst weather month in all of Maine - but it’s a reminder - if we do nothing - Maine will have Virginia’s climate in 2050. What will it be like to have warm waters and no snow? How will that affect our eco-systems? This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Travis Brungardt of Catalyst Construction in KC to talk a little bit about their climate. They get cold and wet + warm and wet. Interesting! So here’s a little bit more about their philosophy and building in their climate!