S6E6: Energy Raven

E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is all about building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. On today's podcast I had the pleasure of talking with Shannon Bloemker, the CEO of Energy Raven. Their goal is to use AI and algorighm data to help homeowners improve their homes energy use and be a part of the Climate Solution. So, not only is she an incredible female entrepreneur, she’s helping homeowners save energy and the planet at the same time ~ Enjoy! 

Show Notes:

Energy Raven

Shannon Bloemker, CEO of Energy Raven

Shannon is an experienced strategist with a strong foundation in real estate and sustainable construction. Her latest venture, Energy Raven, helps homeowners improve their homes' energy use and be part of the Climate Solution. Shannon is a former investment strategist with more than 15 years of experience in real estate investment, renovation, and property management. She holds a Master's Degree in Sustainability from Harvard and is a certified home inspector.