How The Energy Efficient Mortgage Works

Although I was already aware that the Energy Efficient Mortgage was a difficult process, I recently discovered it's even more difficult for homeowners to understand.  So here is a run down, in the simplest terms, from the viewpoint of the HERS Rater, on how the process works.The homeowner needs to first hire a HERS RaterThe HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rater will come to the home to evaluate the property for potential energy upgrades.  This is not an energy audit, it's a HERS Rating with an EEM.The HERS Rater will then provided the homeowner, or several contractors, with a list of measures that might qualify for the EEM.  Unlike all of the literature floating around on Energy Efficient Mortgages, not all things will qualify for the EEM on every house.  The list of measures needs to have positive savings over the lifetime of the loan. Measures have to have a net positive savings, even if each individual measure is not positive.When the HERS Rater receives the quotes from the contractor(s) the they will run the measures through the energy modeling software, one measure at a time, to determine the monthly savings for each measure.  They then add the measures and the cost to the EEM spreadsheet.  This is repeated over and over until there is a list of measures, that costs less then the loan value you are able to borrow under the EEM and has a positive savings.  For some homeowners, there may be several scenarios to choose from and they can decide, with the help of the Rater, which package they would like to do.  Other homes may be limited to one scenario based on the savings provided by the measures that need to be done.It is possible, that even after all of this work, that your property may not qualify for the EEM funding.  It can be a long process, but it can also be a rewarding process if you are able to make the EEM financing work, and save you money in your home.  Having a more comfortable home will make living there much more rewarding.