S2E43: Thanksgiving Leftovers & Heroes of The Built Environment

E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: First, I want to say thank you to everyone. Not one person has complained about the lack of a podcast for the last 2+ weeks. Which means you are either not listening, busy too, or just ridiculously kind individuals. I’m going with the last one, keeping my faith in humanity. That being said, I’m excited about 2021 and the possibilities. So I invited my colleague, friend, and all around awesome guy Travis Brungardt to join me for this weeks show. We talk about leftovers, not the kind you eat, but the little tidbits or morsels of building science that creep into everything we do. And then we introduce a new concept we are working on for 2021 - Heroes of The Built Environment. If you don’t want to listen to us BS* skip to minute 39 and take a listen to the Heroes section. We are inviting your comments, feedback, wishlist, and involvement for this project. So without further wait ~ Enjoy ~ Emily