Season 2: Episode 10: A BS Discussion with Randy - Northern Built Pro

E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily is building science, architecture, and female entrepreneurship. Welcome to Season 2: This week the podcast hits close to home as fellow guest Randy does a lot of energy consulting. The last time the economy tanked, it was considered “gainfully unemployed” to be an architect. So I spent years training and educating myself on building science and doing a little bit of design. Now, i’m a building science junky and I’m doing a lot more design and very little energy auditing. It’s almost a treat when I get to throw my blower door in my truck and take it to a jobsite. Randy is in Minnesota doing energy auditing and building. It was a pleasure to have him on talking about their very cold zone 7 climate and things that he sees on the regular in their areas. PS. I apologize in advance for the couple barks you here. I tried to edit out my fur kid everywhere that I could. He’s getting old, he doesn’t understand being quiet during recordings. Today’s podcast is well worth the listen! Thanks for tuning in.


Randy Willams

Northern Built Pro