
Your home is a sacred space that is unique to you and your family. Building a custom home is an adventure. It’s a thoughtful process that looks at everything from how you use your space to how you want to feel in your home. The daylight is mapped out on how it enters and travels through your home, just as the function of the space is carefully tuned to your movements and your family needs. Designing a home is a process that should be filled with love and joy. Your home, where you spend the most time during your life, should nurture and encourage your well being. Our spaces have an impact on our social, physical and metal well being.

Pre-Designed Plan Sets

We provide pre-designed home plans for sale with consulting. Consulting includes meetings with the Architect to help the Owner and Builder understand all the details of building that particular high performance home including acting as the Owners Advocate and performing tests and inspections during the construction process depending on location of the project.

Some modifications to the original design are available on an hourly basis and would be discussed with you at an initial meeting.